Configuring blog pagination size

Learn how to configure your blog pagination size and which views it affects

Updated: January 8, 2024

1 min read

Stomod allows you to configure how many blog posts you want to display on your homepage, on a specific tag page or on an author’s page. If the total number of blog posts being displayed exceeds the pagination size, pagination controls will show up at the bottom of the page.
Pagination controls at the bottom of a blog homepage
Pagination controls at the bottom of a blog homepage
By default, 10 blog posts are shown across all of the above mentioned pages. You can adjust the number of blog posts you want to show with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 25.
To do so, navigate to Settings → Reading and under Pagination Size, adjust the slider to the number of blog posts you want to show on the homepage/tag pages/author pages.
Adjusting the pagination size by dragging the slider
Adjusting the pagination size by dragging the slider

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