Menu item types

Learn about the different built-in menu item types

Updated: January 12, 2024

5 mins read

The Stomod menu editor comes with several types of menu items which can be assigned to menus. Each of the menu item types are eventually added as a link to the menu you choose to add them to:
  • Built-in
    • Tags Index - Links to the list of all tags on the blog.
    • Authors Index - Links to the list of all authors on the blog.
    • External Link - Allows you to manually specify a link to include in the menu.
    • Button - Allows you to manually specify a link to include in the menu, except that it is rendered as a button.
    • Sitemap - Links to the blog sitemap.
    • Menu - Allows you to render a submenu to nest other menu items under.
  • Posts - Lists all posts available on the blog which you can include as a link in your menu which opens up that specific post.
  • Pages - Lists all pages available on the blog which you can include as a link in your menu which opens up that specific page
  • Tags - Lists all tags available on the blog which you can include as a link which opens up a single tag view which lists all posts under that tag.
  • Authors - Lists all authors writing on the blog which you can include as a link which opens up a single author view which lists all posts under that author.
Example of all menu item types under Settings → Menus
Example of all menu item types under Settings → Menus

Menu item types configuration options

Tags Index

The Tags Index menu item type comes with the following configuration options:
  • Name: The text of the link which points to the Tags Index page to appear in the menu.
  • Description: A short description of the menu item which appears in dropdown menu if the Tag Index menu item is placed in a dropdown menu.
  • Open in new tab: Allows the tab index page to be opened in a new tab.

Authors Index

The Authors Index menu item type comes with the following configuration options:
  • Name: The text of the link which points to the Authors Index page to appear in the menu.
  • Description: A short description of the menu item which appears in dropdown menu if the Author Index menu item is placed in a dropdown menu.
  • Open in new tab: Allows the author index page to be opened in a new tab.

External Link

The External Link menu item type comes with the following configuration options:
  • Name: The text of the external link to appear in the menu.
  • Description: A short description of the menu item which appears in dropdown menu if the external link menu item is placed in a dropdown menu.
  • Open in new tab: Allows the external link to be opened in a new tab.
  • Link URL: The link address the external link should open when clicked.


The Button menu item type is similar to the External Link menu item type except that it renders as a button. The different configurations options it comes with are:
  • Name: The name of the button to appear in the menu.
  • Description: A short description of the menu item which appears in dropdown menu if the button menu item is placed in a dropdown menu.
  • Open in new tab: Allows the button link to be opened in a new tab.
  • Link URL: The link address the button should open when clicked.
  • Button Variant: Change the look of the button to one of the following options below.
    • Default: Default button style, usually filled with your theme color.
      • notion image
    • Secondary: Alternative subdued color button.
      • notion image
    • Destructive: A catching red button for grabbing the attention of readers.
      • notion image
    • Outline: A white background button with a border.
      • notion image
    • Ghost/Link: A white button with no border which looks like an External Link.
      • notion image
  • Icon Name: The name of the icon from the Tablar icon set. to show within the button. An example of an icon name is Mail:
    • notion image
      This is how it would look like on the blog once configured:
      notion image


The Sitemap menu item type automatically links to the blog sitemap and comes with the following configuration options:
  • Name: The name of the sitemap link to appear in the menu.
  • Description: A short description of the menu item which appears in dropdown menu if the Sitemap menu item is placed in a dropdown menu.
  • Open in new tab: Allows the sitemap link to be opened in a new tab.


The menu item type allows you to defined a parent to hold sub menu items. The configuration options are as follows:
  • Name: The name of the menu item to appear in the menu.


Any menu item of type posts, pages, tags, authors have the same configuration options:
  • Name: The text of the post/page/tag/author page link to appear in the menu - if you want something different from the actual post/page/tag/author title.
  • Description: A short description of the menu item which appears in dropdown menu if the Sitemap menu item is placed in a dropdown menu.
  • Open in new tab: Allows the sitemap link to be opened in a new tab.

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