Adding a cover image to a post

Find out how to add a cover image to a blog post and where the cover images show up

Updated: January 4, 2024

2 mins read

What is a cover image?

Cover images appear on the homepage of your Stomod blog and is also used as your OG image on social media posts if provided. If no cover image is supplied, a grey box is used as cover image on your home page and the first image present in your blog is used as OG image if present.
Cover image on a Stomod blog homepage
Cover image on a Stomod blog homepage
Cover image on the single single blog post view
Cover image on the single single blog post view

Adding a cover image to a blog post

Adding a cover image to a blog post is pretty simple! Open your post in Notion and hover on the blank space above your post title. You will see Add icon and Add cover button show up. Click on the Add Cover button and upload your cover image to your blog post.
Video instructions for adding a cover image to a blog post in Notion:
Adding a cover image to a blog post
Adding a cover image to a blog post

Cover image sizing and aspect ratio

Stomod does not require any strict cover image size. You can upload any image of aspect ratio 4:3, 3:2 or 16:9 and Stomod will automatically make sure that the image is centered and covers the space allocated to cover images on both the homepage and the post page.
Ensure that your image is of high quality, Stomod will automatically create different sizes of your image so that the right optimized version is presented to readers while keeping your blog fast and efficient.

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