Add/removing a post

Learn how to easily add or remove a post from your blog

Updated: January 4, 2024

2 mins read

Adding a new post to your blog

Adding a new post to your Stomod blog is pretty straight forward. From your root Notion page, open the Posts table and click on the New button on the top-right of the table to add a new blog post.
From the new page which opens up in Notion, you can enter your new blog post title, tag your blog post, assign an author, define a slug and mark it as ready to be published.
Below is the video instruction on how to add a blog post:
Adding a new blog post
Adding a new blog post

Removing an existing post

To remove an existing post, you just hover over the post name from the list of posts from your posts table and check the checkbox which appears next to the post you want to delete. Then proceed to click on the delete icon which appears at the top of the table as show below:
Removing an existing post
Removing an existing post

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