Stomod template structure

Learn the dos and don’ts of using the Stomod Notion template

Updated: April 10, 2024

7 mins read

Stomod uses a pre-defined Notion template to facilitate the creation of a blog. Once you have connected a template to a Stomod blog, you are free to start filling it with your content as your please.
There are a few gotchas however which you need to keep in mind so that everything keeps working as expect and the sync mechanism built into Stomod can still read your blog content.
The Notion template is designed to have minimal setup required from you to configure it in Stomod. The template is broken down into these Notion tables:
  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Tags
  • Authors

Posts & Pages

In Stomod, posts are dynamic and used for blog content, displayed in reverse chronological order and can be tagged. They're ideal for news, blogs, and articles. Pages, on the other hand, are static and used for timeless content like 'About Us' or 'Contact' pages.

Posts Table Structure

The structure of the posts table looks as follows. For the sake of simplicity, some of the optional properties are hidden from the main view. You can toggle visibility at anytime by clicking on the three dots as shown below:
notion image
The posts table properties are the following:
  • Post Title (required) - The "post title" in Stomod refers to the name or headline of a blog post. It's a descriptive title that gives readers an idea of what the content is about. The post title is typically displayed prominently at the top of a post wrapped in an H1 tag.
  • Slug (optional) - The "slug" refers to a part of the URL that uniquely identifies a specific page on your blog in a format that is easy to read and understand. It's essentially the part of the URL that comes after your domain name and describes the content of the page. For example, in the URL, the slug is my-first-blog-post. If you do not defined a slug, one will be generated for you by Stomod automatically.
  • Ready to Publish (optional) - "Ready to Publish" is a simple indicator that signifies whether a post is prepared for public viewing. If checked, the post will appear on your blog when synced.
  • Publish Date (optional) - The "Publish Date" feature allows you to schedule a post to be automatically published at a future date and time of your choosing. This tool is particularly useful for planning and maintaining a consistent posting schedule. It's important to note that when a "Publish Date" is set, the post is queued for automatic publication and the "Ready to Publish" option is typically not applicable, as setting a publish date implies the content is already finalized and scheduled for release.
  • Tags (optional) - In Stomod, "Tags" are keywords or phrases assigned to posts. They serve as a tool for organizing and indexing content based on specific themes or subjects. Each tag creates a link that, when clicked, brings up a list of all posts associated with that tag. You can associated multiple tags with a post.
  • Authors (optional) - In Stomod, "Authors" refer to the individuals who create and publish content on the blog. Each post is typically associated with an author profile. The author's name appears on their posts, providing visibility and recognition for their work, and is also a clickable link that leads to a page listing all of their published posts.
  • No Index (optional) - The "No Index" is a directive used to tell search engines not to include a specific post in their search index. When a post is marked with a "No Index" tag, search engine crawlers understand that they should not show that page in search results.
  • Meta Title (optional) - Meta Title refers to a text that shows on the search engine result page. The "Meta Title" field allows you to specifies the title of a post different from that of the Notion page. It's a crucial component for both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the user experience. If left blank, the Notion page title is used as the meta title.
  • Meta Description (optional) - A meta description tag generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about. If left blank, an excerpt of your blog post content will be used as meta description.
notion image

Pages Table Structure

The structure of the pages table is the same as that post the posts table with the exception that it does not include the Tags field which is used only for categorizing posts.


In Stomod, tags are used to describe specific details of posts and help in organizing related content. Tags facilitate easier navigation and allow users to find content by specific keywords or topics, enhancing the overall browsing experience on a website.
The structure of the tags table looks as follows:
  • Tag Name (required) - In Stomod, a "Tag Name" refers to the specific word or phrase used as a tag for categorizing or labeling posts. Tag names are chosen to reflect key topics or themes of a post or article. For example, if you write a blog post about gardening, you might use tag names like "gardening," "horticulture," "plant care," or "outdoor plants.”
    • Key characteristics of a tag name include:
      1. Relevance: It should be directly related to the content of the post, highlighting the main topics or themes discussed.
      1. Conciseness: Tag names are typically short and to the point, often just one or two words.
      1. Consistency: Using consistent tag names across posts helps in organizing content effectively and improves user navigation.
      1. Searchability: Good tag names are often keywords that readers might use when searching for content on the topic, aiding in SEO efforts.
      In essence, tag names act as a flexible, informal method of categorizing content, allowing both authors and readers to connect and find related posts easily.
  • Slug (optional) - The slug is a URL-friendly version of a tag name. It is used in the address of a webpage that displays all the posts associated with a particular tag. For instance, if you have a tag named "Healthy Recipes" the tag slug might be "healthy-recipes” Slugs are meant to be used in URLs, so they are typically all lowercase and use hyphens (-) instead of spaces or special characters. If you do not defined a slug, one will be generated for you by Stomod automatically.
  • Ready to Publish (optional) - "Ready to Publish" is a simple indicator that signifies whether a tag is prepared for public viewing. If checked, the tag will appear on your blog posts when synced.
  • Publish Date (optional) - The "Publish Date" feature allows you to schedule a tag to be automatically published at a future date and time of your choosing.
  • Meta Title (optional) - Meta Title refers to a text that shows on the search engine result page. Each tag has its own dedicated page which shows a list of all posts under that tag. The "Meta Title" field allows you to specifies the title of a tag different from that of the Notion page. It's a crucial component for both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the user experience. If left blank, the Notion page title is used as the meta title.
  • Meta Description (optional) - A meta description tag generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular tag is about.


In Stomod, authors refer to the users who write and publish content on the site. Authors help personalize content, offering readers a sense of who's creating the material, and their profiles links to a list of their contributions, enhancing the site's community feel and content management.
The structure of the authors table looks like:
  • Author Name (required) - The "Author Name" refers to the name of the individual who created or is credited with a particular piece of content, such as a post or page.
  • Slug (optional) - The slug is a URL-friendly version of a author name. It is used in the address of a webpage that displays all the posts associated with a particular author. For instance, if you have an author named "Hirvesh Munogee" the author slug might be "hirvesh-munogee” Slugs are meant to be used in URLs, so they are typically all lowercase and use hyphens (-) instead of spaces or special characters. If you do not defined a slug, one will be generated for you by Stomod automatically.
  • Ready to Publish (optional) - "Ready to Publish" is a simple indicator that signifies whether an author is prepared for public viewing. If checked, the author will appear on your blog posts and pages when synced.
  • Publish Date (optional) - The "Publish Date" feature allows you to schedule a author to be automatically published at a future date and time of your choosing.
  • Meta Title (optional) - Meta Title refers to a text that shows on the search engine result page. Each author has its own dedicated page which shows a list of all posts or pages under that author. The "Meta Title" field allows you to specifies the title of a author different from that of the Notion page. It's a crucial component for both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the user experience. If left blank, the Notion page title is used as the meta title.
  • Meta Description (optional) - A meta description tag generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of who a particular author is.

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