Viewing your blog

Learn how to view your blog from the Stomod admin

Updated: April 10, 2024

2 mins read

Once you have created your blog and linked your blog, it’s very simple to open your blog to view it. There are different ways to do that from the blog’s dashboard.

From the main dashboard

You can view any blog from the main dashboard by clicking on the “View Blog” button on the blog tile on the main dashboard. This is shown below:
Click on View blog to open your blog in a new browser tab
Click on View blog to open your blog in a new browser tab

From the blog dashboard

From within the blog’s own dashboard there are two ways to open your blog. One is by clicking the “View Blog” from the header navigation bar and another one is from clicking the blog link in the blog selector.

View blog from the header

You can easily open up a blog to be view by clicking on the “View Blog” button which show up on the header of the blog dashboard as shown below. Clicking the button opens up the blog in a new browser tab:
Click on “View Blog” to view your blog in a new browser tab
Click on “View Blog” to view your blog in a new browser tab

View blog from the blog selector

From the blog dashboard, there is also the blog selector component which allows you to switch between different blogs you have. The blog selector component shows a link of the current blog being viewed. Clicking on the link will open the blog in a new browser tab.
Click on the link from the blog selector to open your blog in a new browser tab
Click on the link from the blog selector to open your blog in a new browser tab

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