Displaying site title in header

Find out how you can display your site name in your header

Updated: January 8, 2024

2 mins read

With Stomod, you can display your blog logo in your header by uploading an image to show in the header under Settings → Appearance.
You can upload a logo which has the blog name already part of the logo, for e.g. the logo for Stomod:
Stomod logo with image + text as part of the image
Stomod logo with image + text as part of the image
However, if you so wish, you can upload a logo which is just an icon. For e.g.:
Icon only logo
Icon only logo
You can then display the site title next to the logo by toggling the Site Name in Header switch under Settings → Appearance from your blog dashboard. This is how a the above logo would look like if the site name is “HD Travel Adventures”:
Icon logo and site title added automatically in the header
Icon logo and site title added automatically in the header
To toggle the site title in the header, toggle the switch as shown:
Toggle Site Name in header under Settings → Appearance
Toggle Site Name in header under Settings → Appearance
After you have toggle the switch, click on Save Changes to update your blog.

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