Toggling fixed blog header

Learn how you can enable/disable the fixed blog header on your blog

Updated: January 8, 2024

1 min read

Stomod allows two header positioning configurations: fixed or static. A fixed header stays at the top of the page as you scroll whereas a static header scrolls with the page, going out view as scroll.
Fixed header which stays in place when you scroll
Fixed header which stays in place when you scroll
Static header which scrolls with the page
Static header which scrolls with the page
To toggle between fixed and static header, from your blog dashboard, go to Settings → Appearance and toggle the Fixed Header switch on or off to enable/disable the fixed header.
Toggling the fixed header on/off under Settings → Appearance
Toggling the fixed header on/off under Settings → Appearance
Once you have toggled the fixed header setting, click on Save Changes to update your blog.

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