Toggling the table of contents

Find out how you can show/hide the table of contents globally

Updated: January 10, 2024

1 min read

Stomod by default shows a table of content (TOC) on your blog post or page. The TOC is generated by the headings found in your blog content. Below is an example of a TOC generated for this blog post.
TOC for a blog post
TOC for a blog post
If there is no heading on the page, no TOC is showed. However Stomod also allows you to toggle the TOC visibility globally across your blog.
To toggle the TOC visibility, from your blog dashboard, navigate to Settings → Appearance and under “Show Table of Contents” you can toggle the TOC on or off for your whole blog:
Table of contents toggle under Settings → Appearance
Table of contents toggle under Settings → Appearance
Once you have toggled the TOC switch, click on Save Changes to update your blog.

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